Monday, September 18, 2017

DIY Solar Pool Heater Kits and Installation

The Basics of a Solar Pool Heating System

Swimming pools, correctly installed, would have a circulation system which is needed to circulate constantly the pool water for filtration and cleaning. If this same system is linked up to a device that heats the water before it enters the pool the objective of having a heated pool would be achieved. Heating systems can be from gas, oil or electric heaters, but you can rid yourself of the consequent heating bill by using a free source of heating - the sun.
A basic solar pool heater would consist of water tubes containing the swimming pool water passing through a solar plate collector which is heated by the sun’s rays. Such collectors can be on the deck of the pool, the roof of the house or any area that has constant exposure to the sun. The capacity of a DIY solar pool heater kit would be determined by the square area of the swimming pool that needs heating. Other factors that could help reduce costs of such kits would be the shape of the pool. Round pools are the best.

Installing a DIY Solar Pool Heater Kit

The cheapest kits are the ones that use unglazed plastic as solar collectors. A standard collector would be 3.4 m long and 1.4 m wide with necessary piping already installed in it. You can increase the number of panels depending on the size of your pool. Decide on a location for the solar collector. The supporting structure for the solar panel should be sufficient to take the weight of the panel when it is full of water. The position should ensure constant exposure to the sun and the location should be such that the distance from your circulation pump is the least. Collectors can be installed horizontally or vertically or even positioned on the roof of the house. Connect up the ends of the solar collector piping to your pool circulation system and enjoy the benefits of the heated water through the winter.
Additions to DIY solar pool heater kits would be sensors to regulate the temperature of the water. You could also conserve the heated water by using pool covers or floating discs. The latter are easy to remove and lay on the water than a full cover.

A still cheaper form of solar collector can be made of corrugated metal sheets over which the circulated water is made to run. A piping system which would spray the circulated water on to the sheet and a method to collect the heated water can easily be fashioned out by any DIY enthusiast. Water can also be heated by running the pool water through coils of black garden hose kept exposed to the sun. If the length of the hose in the coil is sufficient, water will get heated to give you the desired comfort in the swimming pool.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Tips on Maintaining Friendships & Romantic Relationships

Always be Available
Let the friend know that you are always available in the time of a crisis. This may be during real problems caused by illnesses, accidents and the like, but can quite often just be the availability of a shoulder to cry on. Never turn your back on a friend.
Trust Must be Implicit
Trust your friends in everything that touches your lives or times together. Always believe in their goodness and let them know that you have the complete faith in any action taken by them in any matter concerning your friendship.
Do not Believe Rumors
Keep an open mind especially where it concerns your friends. There are always people in this world who take vicarious pleasure in spreading half truths and lies. There is no harm in keeping an open mind and going the extra distance to find out the actual circumstances which can be quite different from what you have heard.
Keep Money far Away
Let any dealings with money not come in between your friendships. Good friends would always be very aware of this and would never make any monetary demands of a friend.
Accept your Friends as They are
Never make physical appearances or any other personal attributes any part of a friendship. While gentle suggestions to lose weight or inches can be made, they must be made with an assurance that it would benefit the friend concerned and would have no effect either way for the way you continue in the relationship.
Share Confidences
The stress in today’s modern day life quite often requires a safety valve for a person to have so that they can share their problems and feelings. Use your friend as some such safety valve and always remember that the need is mutual and that the friend should be aware that you are available to return the compliment any time the need is felt. Also remember that these confidences are meant for you alone and not to be shared with the world in general.
Be Kind to a Friend
Showing kindness to a friend is no great act of altruism. You would get back this kindness in equal measure and probably benefit from it. Never criticize a friend, unless you are asked for a definite opinion. Even when this is asked for make sure to imply that your opinion has no effect on the friendship that you have.
Be Flexible
Friendships can cause certain strains on time and emotions, and one must learn to be flexible enough to convince the friend that making that adjustment is no big deal. Give advice only when it is solicited. Of course if you do see the friend making a decision that you know is disastrous, it becomes your duty to point this out, however harsh the truth.
A friendship requires that you give to it as much as you expect from it. And if you do make an effort to become an ideal friend, it is more than likely that your friends would be more than glad to meet you halfway and ensure that your friendship makes your life more than just an existence.

How to Fix Broken Solar Panels

Solar Panels Can Get Damaged and Need Repairs

Solar panels can get damaged by hail stones, high winds and someone deliberately pelting stones at them. Whatever the reason, a damaged solar panel can still be used as long as it is producing power and you know how to fix broken solar panels. The first thing you need to do while assessing damage of the panel is to see if it is still producing electricity and therefore worth fixing. This can save you the cost of making complete replacements, which can be quite damaging to your pocketbook. Also check the frame on which the panel is mounted and see that it is in good shape and not loose. Quite often a poorly fixed solar panel can cause distortions in the panel, which by itself can lead to the damage that you are now attempting to repair. Tighten all the bolts that have been used to fix your solar panels so that the entire unit is rigid and does not move. You would also need to check on the wiring, as any jarring which caused the damage in the first place, can loosen soldered connections which would lead to loss of power.
Repairing Glasses That Are Broken
Attempt these repairs only if your solar panel is still working. So do not be in a hurry to start repairs unless you have left the panel alone for a day and checked the amount of energy it generates. This could be lesser than normal, because the broken glass could diminish the amount of light getting through to the panels. Now that you have established the fact that the panel still produces some energy, we can get to the next job of repairing the glasses on the panel that have been broken.
Minor damage to edges and corners can be repaired by using glass tape to hold the pieces together. Glasses that are completely cracked or shattered may however require to be replaced. This is done by removing all the broken pieces, after detaching them from the frame on which they are mounted. If there are just one or two pieces of the cracked glass and they are all available, you can attempt to use stained glass tape to cover the edges of the broken glass and then soldering them. Such tape would have a copper backing and would allow easy soldering. But too much of tape can reduce the light going through and reduce the efficiency of your panel.

Other Problems That May Need Attending To

A damaged solar panel can cause soldered connections in the solar cells to work loose. To re-solder these loose connections you need to cut the silicone in which the solar cells are embedded. This will expose the back of the cell allowing you to re-solder the connection that is loose. Alternately glue that has silver impregnated in it can be used to attach the parts that have become loose. This is the easier alternative, though it may not be as effective as a soldered connection.

Tips on How to Spruce Up Interior Doors

Doors Are a Part of the Décor of a Home

An average home can have as many as 20 doors in the interior spaces, if you consider all passage and closet doors besides the room and bathroom doors. There will be doors closing up the broom cupboard or the staircase to the attic. They are all doors that make up part of the décor of your house and simple attention to them could turn your home into a much more cheery place than it now is by learning how to spruce up plain interior doors.
Get some paint remover and strip the door of its original paint. Sand down the surface and apply putty or some filler to all the blemishes and scratches on the door to cover them up. Then apply that new coat of paint. It is best if you can take down the door while you are doing this, so that you can easily paint the top and bottom, which you may not be easily able to do if the door is in position. Choose bright colors to match the room or passage the door is on. You can even paint each side with a different color. It is best to use enamel or paint that can be cleaned with a damp cloth so that the spring cleaning aspect is taken care of. You can even use the door surface to create a collage with different colors if you feel so artistically inclined. Try out the designs on your computer and get the design approved from all your family members. While you are about the job of painting, check on the door fitting especially the handles, hinges and locks to see if they could also do with a polish or replacement job. The possibilities are endless and these new fittings can give a real personality to your doors.
Use Decorative Moldings to Spruce up Plain Interior Doors
Decorative moldings in wood are available at most interior decoration stores or even at the local hardware outlet. Such moldings are also known as wood trim. These can be from ½ inch in size to bigger sizes. You can get such moldings that are curved to really add glamour to your door. Decide on how you can create a pattern on the door with these moldings. You can do this on both sides of the door or leave one side plain. Use a power nailer to nail down the trim or molding to the door. Paint the molding to give your spruced up interior door a whole new look. You can also buy this trim in PVC if you can get it. This can come in different colors and may not even need painting over. If you really wanted to spruce up those interior doors, consider a fancy plaster molding all around the door jamb. This can add real class to a door.
If the door is one that is normally kept closed, you can even use it as a backdrop to a series of framed photographs or other art work. Properly hung and even lighted, the door behind them would literally vanish from a person’s perception. Hanging up pennants or other memorabilia is also one way to spruce up interior doors. You can also use veneer glued to the door along with moldings to create a real raised look to a door. Adding a stained glass panel to a door can also be an idea.