Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Mind Control in Our Lives

Mind control seems like some fantastic sci-fi idea that is in the realm of literature. In fact, mind control is something that every one of us applies to our daily living and or interaction with others. The most basic type of mind control is repetition and is a technique largely in use by advertisers.

There are people who are skilled in practicing mind control and you will find this even being practiced by children to some extent without realizing what they are doing. Have you seen the way children drop hints, suggest things that will allow them to influence their parents to buy things or get them things that they want? These are simple and often crude attempts at mind control, and many parents also use these in reverse when they want their children to do things that they find them resisting to some extent. Parents will constantly use mind control to get children to change their behavior and habits so that they are more acceptable to society.


Mind control is basically influencing the way others think so that they start acting and thinking in the way that you want them to. People may not use mind control consciously but it is a fact that everyone does practice it to some extent every day of our lives. It can be an effective way of communication that can lead t your life and its happenings becoming that much easier. Once persons are familiar with mind control it is almost certain that they will recognize when other people use these techniques on them. This can then lead to some resistance and a reluctance to being manipulated.

Practice mind control only if you are sure that you can be disciplined while doing so, and if you are sure you will not hurt the interests of others. You must especially refrain from it when you are emotionally upset and feeling hurt and feel the need to retaliate. Mind control can lead to hurting others and can lead to consequences that you must be prepared to face. Do not overdo it,, as in future every one of your words and actions will be viewed suspiciously by the people you are in constant contact with. 

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