Friday, June 26, 2020

Religion, Wisdom and Happiness

What most of us desire in life is to live happily, and often as we try to satisfy this desire, we do encounter obstacles that make our efforts complicated. This can lead to frustration and causes us to suffer because it stands in the way of our satisfaction. Wisdom can help us to understand our suffering and to cope with it. Wisdom allows us to adapt and reason in the toughest of circumstances. Happiness then becomes achievable despite circumstances.

Religion is also another way of understanding our suffering, and it does serve the same purpose differently. What is the difference between these two – wisdom and religion? The main difference is the way both of these define the meaning of life and portray suffering. As per most concepts of religion, suffering comes from a state of worldly imperfection that directly contradicts the desire of humans for happiness. Life becomes meaningful only if it is a means to a heavenly end, and it requires a life of virtue to prepare for the bliss that comes after life. Hereafter has a transcendental nature that most people who have religion believe. It is this transcendental nature that does not allow man to come up up with any conclusive evidence.

Wisdom, however, is independent of religion, though in many ways it can complement it. Wisdom says that life has meaning, even if it is imperfect, and it is this imperfection that you need to accept. Value this imperfection, because gradually you will realize through wisdom that perfection itself is not infinitely desirable. Perfect happiness excludes any form of complication or suffering. Is that a condition that can ever exist? Happiness is more about grasping every opportunity with courage and being victorious over every obstacle that stands in the way of success. This victory can be strenuous, is often limited, and transitory, and may not even last for a long time.

We grow wiser as we constantly survive and get over the obstacles that life throws at us. It is this survival that is life and on what human sense is built. We need to be clear about our purpose in life if we want to be happy. It is only then that we can have the determination and passion that allows us to succeed in every endeavor so that you can achieve happiness.

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